GWC Urgent Family Aid Appeal

Family Reunification Protection Project

Providing Relief

Over 30,000 unaccompanied forcibly displaced children have disappeared after their arrival to the borders of Europe. Goodwill Caravan's main mission is to provide the services and information needed to prevent human trafficking and exploitation. Help us reunite unaccompanied children with surviving relatives safely by supporting our family reunification projects.

The Plight of Refugee Families and Children

Your donation will go towards Emergency  Legal Aid , Medical Aid/DNA, safe shelter, psychological support for trauma, transport and  education support to empower families to start again after war and persecution in their home countries.

Donations 100% Zakat eligible

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Support our reunification work

How you can help?

Set up a monthly donation to sponsor a child for their family reunification emergency process from the emergency call for help to the reunification with quarterly updates.

Set up a monthly donation to sponsor a family once reunified to settle and start a new life with quarterly updates.

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