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Global Partnerships and GWC Bus Service Back in Action – GWC Weekly Blog Posts 

This past week Goodwill Caravan had the honour to attend the Global Sustainability Network’s (GSN) ‘Countdown 2030’ Working Together to Achieve Goal 8 conference in London at Lambeth Palace. Marta Aguinaga, our Lead Coordinator in Greece, joined Director Hanan Ashegh and members of our London team at the conference where we had a chance to meet and hear from leading global organisations working to combat human trafficking and slavery and achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 8.

Honorary keynote speaker Rt Hon Theresa May MP spoke about how her new Global Commission against modern slavery. Hanan had the opportunity to ask Rt Hon Theresa May MP a question about how GWC could help support May’s Commission in the context of Greece. We also meet the founder of International Network of Hearts to discuss possible collaboration in North America and linked up with some key organisiation working in humanitarian aid in tech.

We would like to thank Raza Jafar, RT Hon Bishop Alastair Redfern and all the GSN board members and team for continuing to build Action-based Global Partnerships for 2022 (and beyond) through strong commitments from various stakeholders to expedite and continuously track the global progress on Goal 8.

GWC is also excited to report that we resumed our Accompaniment Bus Service in Greece. This service provides emergency transport for vulnerable refugees from remote hotspots and refugee camp locations as far as 100km outside of Athens to critical asylum service and hospital appointments. We would like to thank Peacetrain for sponsoring our bus and being so patient with Covid delays in Greece. Thanks also to our long-term operational partners Vasilika Moon for always working hand in hand with GWC and other sister organisations on mainland Greece and its borders.

The Greek team has been busily seeking out partnerships and support for our Accompaniment Bus Service, and on Friday June 24th met with key officials from the Greek Ministry of Education to discuss transporting refugee adults to English classes as well as school bus services for refugee children living in Athens. We are greatly looking forward to providing this vital transport service in support of the Greek government’s education initiatives for refugees.  

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