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Hold my Hand this Ramadan: Goodwill Caravan Ramadan Appeal 2023

Ramadan is a time for family, joy, and peace. But for impoverished displaced populations, this is not often possible. This month, Goodwill Caravan is on a mission to distribute 1,000 food packs to refugee families in Greece that will help feed a family of up to 4 throughout the month of Ramadan.

This project will have many positive outcomes. Firstly, it helps to assure that refugee families have access to healthy meals during the holy month. This is important because everyone deserves to have nutritious food. Secondly, it improves the mental and physical well-being of refugees who may be facing significant challenges related to displacement and resettlement. Thirdly, giving out food can help refugees and their new communities get to know each other better. This can help everyone feel more connected and make new friends. Fourthly, providing essential support to refugees can help build their resilience and coping mechanisms, contributing to their long-term success and well-being. Finally, this project can help raise awareness about the challenges faced by refugees in Greece and the importance of supporting their basic needs, contributing to improved understanding and empathy within the broader community.

But that’s not all. In addition to the food packs, Goodwill Caravan is also raising funds this month to support several other vital humanitarian projects. With your support, we aim to renovate schools in Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan to provide essential educational classes to young, orphaned girls, preventing them from being exploited and giving them hope for a better future. Our Ramadan appeal funds will also go towards our family reunification and protection legal program in Greece. This will allow our legal team to continue fighting for the release of detained unaccompanied children and work towards reuniting families separated by conflicts, persecution, and natural disasters.

Moreover, Goodwill Caravan intends to create a family-friendly prayer and contemplation area on the roof of our Sallam Centre in central Athens. We plan to keep this space open all year round for people of all faiths, offering a family social area where refugees can access Wi-Fi and information about integration and support services in the area.

The Goodwill Caravan team has been very pleased to see the many smiling faces of parents and children who have stopped by our distribution centre to collect food packs over the past couple of weeks. Even though these refugees have endured war, displacement, and loss, they can be reminded that people care about them and allow themselves a momentary sigh of relief and hope.

Let’s strive together to continue to bring such blessings to the victims of displacement, persecution, and war who have already suffered so much. Please visit our Take My Hand Ramadan LaunchGood campaign for further information and details on how to offer support.

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